In June 1751, Nicholas Crisp, a jeweller of St Paul's Churchyard, and John Sanders, a potter of Vauxhall, took out a licence to dig for soaprock in Cornwall. This was to supply their new porcelain venture on the site of Sanders' existing delftware factory. Initially, the new porcelain factory seems to have concentrated on ornamental pieces but from about 1754 teawares, sauceboats, mugs and some plates came into production. The majority of the polychrome decoration applied to these wares was printed in two or more colours (pink, sepia and brown were favoured) and then filled-in with painted enamels. Some monochrome overglaze printing was also undertaken but no printing in underglaze blue.
John Sanders died in 1758 and soon after Crisp entered a period of financial problems that eventually resulted in his bankruptcy. The factory was sold up in May 1764.
For Vauxhall porcelains click here
Ceramics of Vauxhall, The English Ceramic Circle, (2007)