The Regent's Park Series was produced by William Adams, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, England, and was based on views of buildings in Regent's Park, Regent Street and several other areas of London. It consists of fifteen reported and photographed views. All of the source prints were drawn by Thomas Hosmer Shepherd and taken from the 1827 edition of Metropolitan Improvements, or London in the Nineteenth Century. A later edition was published in 1829. These books were originally sold in installments, which consisted of a number of engravings, two per sheet and several pages of text, sewn into a paper cover as described in the advertising literature of the publisher Jones & Co. Acton Place, Kingsland Road, London. "Now publishing in about forty Numbers, price one shilling or India proofs two shillings. Each Number containing four brilliant engravings on steel, printed in quarto, or in Parts (Containing five Numbers) five shillings each or India proofs ten shillings. This work will be completed in about forty Numbers or eight Parts." Both editions contain the same one hundred and sixty engravings and 172 pages of text, the only difference being the title page vignettes and the publishing date. It was up to the purchaser to arrange for the engravings and text to be bound up into a book. This book was also used by Enoch Wood for his London Views Series.