Plate, patent ironstone china, decorated with an underglaze blue printed pattern known to collectors as Turner’s Willow. The reverse has the mark Turner's-Patent hand painted in blue. William and John Turner were issued a patent for the production of ironstone china in January 1800 but by 1806 the brothers were declared bankrupt, leaving a very short time frame for production of their ironstone wares.Like many of
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Plate, patent ironstone china, decorated with an underglaze blue printed pattern known to collectors as Turner’s Willow. The reverse has the mark Turner's-Patent hand painted in blue. William and John Turner were issued a patent for the production of ironstone china in January 1800 but by 1806 the brothers were declared bankrupt, leaving a very short time frame for production of their ironstone wares.Like many of the Turner patent pieces this design was inspired by a Chinese original. The design was popular and appears on pottery produced by other manufacturers throughout the 19th century.
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