This small pitcher, likely a cream or syrup pitcher, is No. 13 in the Arman's numbering system. The central pattern on this example is taken from the source print shown below. Portions of the border pattern are quite blurred on this example. Prior to discovery of the source prints that Clews used for these patterns, researchers David and Linda Arman endeavored to provide descriptive names
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This small pitcher, likely a cream or syrup pitcher, is No. 13 in the Arman's numbering system. The central pattern on this example is taken from the source print shown below. Portions of the border pattern are quite blurred on this example. Prior to discovery of the source prints that Clews used for these patterns, researchers David and Linda Arman endeavored to provide descriptive names for them. The Armans named this scene Building, Two Wings, Water in Foreground. This view appears on a larger water pitcher, a platter and a vegetable dish as well.
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