Hard paste porcelain slop bowl with bat printed decoration in gold. On one side is a river landscape with a ruined building to the right and in the center middle-distance a man on horseback looks over the water. On the reverse a country scene depicts a large house at a crossroads. The mark on the base is painted in purple enamel. The name Warburton refers
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Hard paste porcelain slop bowl with bat printed decoration in gold. On one side is a river landscape with a ruined building to the right and in the center middle-distance a man on horseback looks over the water. On the reverse a country scene depicts a large house at a crossroads. The mark on the base is painted in purple enamel. The name Warburton refers to Peter Warburton who is said to have patented the method of printing in gold in 1810 on behalf of the New Hall porcelain company, whose formal title was Hollins, Warburton & Co.The decoration would have used 24 carat gold and must have been an expensive option. Perhaps cost was the reason that a fairly modest amount appears to have been produced.
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